Thursday 28 June 2012

Summer Lovin'

Today was such a gorgeous summer's day. And to make it better I received my lovely Fish & Chips bag from Alphabet Bags.
This bag sum's up everything I love about summer days on British Beaches.
Don't get me wrong I love summer holidays in foreign climes, but there is something I love about trips to our lovely beaches!

I am hoping I can pack this bag up with some Factor 50 and a sun hat and head off for some fun!
Fingers crossed the sun will actually stick around on one of my days off! 

Wednesday 27 June 2012


The Boy and I have very different attitudes to possessions. I like to collect things and over the last 30 years I have accumulated alot of clothes, shoes, handbags, books and other bits and pieces. He on the other hand does not understand my hoarding and gets very annoyed as our rented house is too small and can get a bit cluttered.

Before the cupcake boom started a few years ago I told my mum that I wanted to find a vintage cake stand. This started us on a bit of a mission as we then seemed to buy every one we could lay our hands on! This means that I have rather alot of cake stands which only all get used for birthday celebrations.

This started me thinking of ways I can use my cake stands and other items. This means I get to use my lovely items every day and The Boy can't tell me to get rid of them because I never use them.

Below is a picture of one way I have started to use my cake stands as first seen on A Beautiful Mess Blog ( ).

Has anyone else got any other multi-tasking ideas to keep me and The Boy happy? 

Hello World

So after months of procrastinating I have finally decided to start my own blog. This blog will be a mish mash of vintage fashion and home finds, beauty products that actually work, kitchen and craft adventures, wedding planning and home decorating.

It will basically a journal of my life, which as anyone who knows me can agree with me will be all over the place! I am not very good at sitting down and doing nothing and my interests can chop and change at any given moment!

My fiance (or 'The Boy' as all my friends know him) and I have just had an offer accepted on our first house so this, along with planning a wedding are currently keeping me busy/stressed!

Natasha: Age 30. Fashion, beauty, expensive bag, wedding, dog, home decorating, craft and baking addict.
Plus much, much more!!  
