Saturday 7 July 2012

The Holy Grail

So I have a confession to make. I have a life long love affair with handbags! 
At one point I had about 150 bags of all different shapes and sizes. Most of these were collected from the local charity shop where my Nan volunteered. So I have been wearing second hand and vintage since a young age. Back then I was just classed as a 'gypo' who couldn't afford new stuff!

Since then however my tastes have become more expensive! Don't get me wrong, I still love a vintage bag but Mulberry and Chanel bags hold a special place in my heart! This annoys The Boy greatly. He just can't understand why I want to spend a month's wages on a bag! I see where he is coming from but I see them as investments. Yes they are expensive, but I always use them. I don't do 'It' bags. I only buy tan coloured bags in styles that won't date.
 I have always loved fashion and designer clothing but bags and also sunglasses last longer and don't make you feel fat. They are my armour on days where I am full of self doubt!

I have a few Mulberry bags but for about ten years I have promised myself a Chanel 2.55 bag. The Holy Grail of bags! Very expensive!!
Seven years ago I had an industrial accident and amputated the ends of three of my fingers on my right hand. Following this I had to have several painful operations and a compensation clain ensued.
I promised I would treat myself to a 2.55 once the case was finished.

Well after 7 years the case has finally come to a close. I did not get the amount that was promised for so long. So to keep the promise to myself, and to keep costs down I searched for somewhere that sold authentic second hand Chanel bags.
Along came Naughtipidgins Authentic bags. I found a gorgeous 2.55 from the 80's for a fraction of the price of a new bag.
I would recommend this site to anyone. Shian who runs the site is the most helpful, lovely lady who provides amazing customer service and gorgeous bags.

I know this is frivolous and ridiculous but that's me! I would never have been able to buy such an expensive bag if it wasn't for my accident so at least I got something good out of it.

(Isn't she pretty!)


  1. Ooh do post pics of it! Sorry you got it in such rubbish circumstances but a little frivolity is the least you deserved at the end of it :)

  2. Thank you lovely lady x I have added a picture just for you! I wasn't sure if anyone other than my mum was actually reading my blog! xx
